Für die Konferenz haben wir eine kleine Online-Umfrage erstellt. Sie soll uns bei der Frage unterstützen, wie wir in unserem Forschungsförderprogramm die Themen Digitalisierung (Bits) und sozial-ökologische Transformation (Bäume) besser miteinander verknüpfen können.
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One week left so submit abstracts for the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology!
Don’t miss the deadline and submit your abstract before 30 September 2022.
The congress will be held at Melbourne from 25 June to 1 July 2023.
In society today, organisations propagating democracy are not practicing it themselves and leaders purporting to be democratic are actually autocratic.Thus ‘hypocrite democracy’ prevails. Cross-country experiences of this phenomenon will serve to expose underlying tendencies with a view to generating alternatives to current forms of authoritarian organisational and leadership behaviour. Accordingly, the unilateral power of global multi-national corporations has generated trans-national social bodies intent on fostering democratic participation and on ensuring that the outcomes of collective agreements and negotiations are enforced together with an attempt to establish proper organisational structures in authoritarian countries. In the health and education sectors these challenges also prevail. Attention should be paid to factors that shape resilience at individual, organizational, and societal levels, to unequal social and economic costs for different stakeholder groups, and to the sustainability of emerging solutions over time. Strategies such as networking, collaborative dialogue and shared governance may also be evaluated in the quest to undermine authoritarianism. In addition, Public Cooperative Partnerships impact sustainable development and empower people.This roundtable session invites contributions in person on these overarching themes to five sub-tables:
Organisational Behaviour and Hypocrite Democracy,Organiser: Joseph Benhar Rajan
Transnational Social Dialogue and Collective Action in a World of Resurgent Authoritarianism, Organiser: Stefan Lucking
Emergence of a ‚New Normal‘ in Patients‘ Healthcare Participation after a Major Crisis, Organiser: Julia Rozanova, Marcus Schultz
Networking, Collaborative Dialogue, Shared Governance: Practical Cases for Sustaining Participatory Democracy in Education, Organisers: Donatella Poliandri, Letizia Giampietro
Public Cooperative Partnerships for Social Development, Organiser: Maria Fregidou Malama
Transnational Social Dialogue and Collective Action in a World of Resurgent Authoritarianism
In response to the (authoritarian) unilateral power of the global multinational corporation (MNC), labour movements forged transnational representative bodies such as Global and European Trade Union Federations. Other bodies such as European Works Councils (EWCs) and board-level employee representation were established at the European level to foster worker participation.These democratic organisations have gained cooperative agreements with mostly European headquartered MNCs toward the protection of workers’ socio-economic interests around the world. Their experiments, accomplishments, and challenges inform contemporary social science and policy debates.Furthermore, coalitions of labour, community and corporate social responsibility interest groups work toward democratic inclusion and empowerment of workers in new industries with new organizational forms such as digital platforms and informal contract work with a very diverse workforce and opaque regulation.In a world of resurgent authoritarianism, these different forms of transnational labour organisations and collective actions face the particular challenge to enforce the outcome of negotiations and to establish proper organisational structures in authoritarian countries.This session invites research papers on contemporary efforts to build transnational networks, organisations and practices in order to foster social and labour rights as well as democratic participation in multinational companies and along global value chains.
Abstract submission for the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology is open until 30 September 2022.
The congress will be held at Melbourne from 25 June to 1 July 2023.
I’m organizing three sessions for this congress and invite everybody to subit abstracts to thesse sessions. One is about
RC10 scholarship has traditionally sought to counter authoritarianism by advocating sustained participation. It has emphasised the development of democratic participation in diverse forums of political, economic, and social interaction. Those debates trace their origin to movements for democratic inclusion of all in the political and social life of their communities and workplaces. That included trade union organization, collective negotiation, self-organized cooperatives, and co-management of decisions, as well as participation in civic, community, and neighbourhood decision-making. The postwar achievements of a more politicized working class, gained through the organization of labour interests in trade unions and political parties, extended confidence for a further widening of democracy in the economic sphere. Concerted political demand generated institutional developments toward industrial and organizational democracy in various forms across many countries. The success of those democratic movements was met by the insurgence of neoliberalism in the latter 20th century and its socio-economic effects and inequalities.
The current rise of authoritarianism in many guises is enabled by an erosion of democratic institutions of participation at the workplace and in the political field. However current crises of public discontent also present opportunities for democratic revitalisation. The societal task of the constraint of tendencies of domination, conflict, and systemic exploitation requires the effort of democratic renewal and socio-cultural innovation.
This session calls for theoretical reflections and propositions on the resources of democratic participation, industrial democracy and self-management to counter authoritarianism by the revitalisation of democratic conceptions and practices at the workplace and/or in the political arena.
Abstract submission for the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology is open until 30 September 2022.
The congress will be held at Melbourne from 25 June to 1 July 2023.
I’m organizing three sessions for this congress and invite everybody to subit abstracts to thesse sessions. The first is about
Platform work is a new form of authoritarian organization based on the illusion of “neutral” management through artificial intelligence (AI). Amazon for example, advertised as AI the services provided by its poorly paid crowdworkers in its crowdsourcing website Mechanical Turk. In all forms of platform work the power relations between clients, workers and platform providers are obfuscated by the intermediation of algorithmic management creating the illusion that work processes are optimised on purely technical grounds.
Workers in the platform and on-demand economy have organized in many countries against this new work regime. Their bottom-up organizing is most often based on coalitions of labour, community and interest groups. In some cases, workers have set up platform cooperatives to gain control over their working conditions, remuneration and business decisions as well as over the algorithms used by the platform.
In order to improve working conditions in the platform economy it is important to tackle the imbalanced power relations between clients, platforms and workers. Public debate is increasingly focusing on the status of platform workers either as employees protected by existing labour laws or on basic labour rights for self-employed freelancers. Furthermore, platform workers are fighting for information and participation rights with regard to the design and application of the algorithms that control their jobs and work processes.
This session invites communications on how platform workers organize with a focus on their recent social movements and demands, how they tackle imbalances of power, and how they can achieve democratic participation regarding algorithmic management.
Am Donnerstag, dem 21. Juli 2022, nehme ich an der nächsten Debatte im Rahmen der Acatech-Reihe Fit for Future Work teil.
Gemeinsam wollen wir darüber diskutieren, wie Digitalisierung den Übergang „von Arbeit in Arbeit“ unterstützen kann und wie sie die Arbeit verändert. Anhand praktischer Beispiele wollen wir aufzeigen, wie die Digitalisierung neue Chancen für Arbeit schafft, wie Unternehmen mit der Veränderung umgehen und welche Rahmenbedingungen erforderlich sind.
Mit mir diskutieren:
- Dr. Thomas Ogilvie, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Mitglied des Vorstands, Bereich Personal, Arbeitsdirektor
- Dr. Ariane Reinhart, Continental AG, Vorständin für Personal und Nachhaltigkeit
- Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump, Institut für Beschäftigung und Employability in Ludwigshafen (IBE), Direktorin